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Problem sa Picasom

Started by janavi, April 11, 2010, 08:29:10 AM

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Neće da sluša čika Picaso :P

htela da uloadujem neke fotke, i kad iz picase kliknem na upload, on se uloguje, i kaže
this account is not enabled for web albums
a ja več imam web albume od ranije
kad kliknem na Sign up for web albums
on mi otvori settings za web albume, pošto ih uredno već imam
i tako ja sad treba peške da uploadujem 100tinak fotki :crycry:
Always be yourself... because the people that matter, don't mind, and the people that mind, don't matter.

I have a blog and I'm not afraid to use it


Možda da skineš novu verziju Picase :ces:

Meni zaista ne pravi nikakav problem. Mada nisam baš danas uploadovala.


pa nisam je ni imala do pre 10 minuta
valjda je poslednja verzija

3.6.0 verzija
Always be yourself... because the people that matter, don't mind, and the people that mind, don't matter.

I have a blog and I'm not afraid to use it


Always be yourself... because the people that matter, don't mind, and the people that mind, don't matter.

I have a blog and I'm not afraid to use it


Ja ne koristim Picasu (program) vec uploadujem direktno sa sajta. Jeste smor 5 po 5 fotki ali sam ranije imala nekih problema sa Picasom, tipa ja kaze da uploaduje jedno ona uploaduje to i jos sto sta pride tako da sam odustala.
A da probas preko sajta i ti?
Aleksa - 22.12.2006.
Maša - 7.6.2010.


mislim da ću probati prvo email-om
ima valjda i ta opcija

baš je smor svaku posebno
jeste po 5 na strani, ali svaku moraš posebno da browse-neš :wall:
Always be yourself... because the people that matter, don't mind, and the people that mind, don't matter.

I have a blog and I'm not afraid to use it


Možda iz Chroma može i više od pet po strani.

Ja uvijek koristim Picasa program, imam isto verziju 3.6.0.

Da pitaš njih direktno?


nađoh ovo

ali meni je taj hosts fajl izgleda prazan, piše ovako:

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
#          # source server
#              # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
#       localhost
# ::1             localhost

i ništa više

ne znam gde da dodam to
Always be yourself... because the people that matter, don't mind, and the people that mind, don't matter.

I have a blog and I'm not afraid to use it


Dodaš bukvalno tako, kao novi red


sa povisilicom ispred ili kako?
Always be yourself... because the people that matter, don't mind, and the people that mind, don't matter.

I have a blog and I'm not afraid to use it



kaže mi da nemam permission to save on this location, i da vidim sa administratorom :rofl:
posle ću da vidim kako to da rešim
odosmo sad...
Always be yourself... because the people that matter, don't mind, and the people that mind, don't matter.

I have a blog and I'm not afraid to use it


sad radi, ulogovala me picasa
upload u toku

hvala :kiss1:
Always be yourself... because the people that matter, don't mind, and the people that mind, don't matter.

I have a blog and I'm not afraid to use it
