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Torte bez secera

Started by Blue, September 12, 2014, 12:43:39 PM

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Pa napravi onu neku super instalaciju od ražnjića voćam pobodenu u nešto, i svećice tu negde i milina  :girl_in_love:
Janko 23.7.2002.


Bata 18.01.2004.
Moca 17.11.2014.


Ma svećice neka duva kod kuće, ovo sa voćem je super ideja.  :good:


Ovde je po ridjendanima fazon gluten free nuts free (ne racunajuci domacine i goste :lol: ), dairy free :crazy:


Quote from: Glitter on September 14, 2014, 09:51:25 PM
Ovde je po ridjendanima fazon gluten free nuts free (ne racunajuci domacine i goste :lol: ), dairy free :crazy:

ovde smo jedino mi problem :lol: :lol: :lol:


salim se...

sad ce tek da bude veselo :girl_haha:
devojcice sa kojima moje dete razvija drugarstvo...
jedna gluten intolerant
par muslimanki, pa obavezno halal
jedna ne jede dairy
druga pescetarian
par njih vegetarian, ali razliciti tipovi...jedna lacto-ovo...par lacto...
jedna alergicna na nuts...


Nadam se da nece sve u isto vreme da ti dolaze u goste :lol:


Bata 18.01.2004.
Moca 17.11.2014.



Kali, mislim da su to vegetarijanci koji jedu i ribu, jesam u pravu mono?


Vegetarijanac al jede ribu valjda :think:


Da da, jeste, sad sam proverila na netu.


nije vegetarijanac, nego pesketarijanac :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
mislim, vegetarijanci ne jedu ribu...posebna kategorija, mada neki tvrde da je to vrsta vegetarijanstva...
ako je ovo definicija vegetarijanstva "Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat – red meat, poultry, seafood and the flesh of any other animal; it may also include abstention from by-products of animal slaughter", onda nikako nemo's da bidne...


Pescetarianism /ˌpɛskɨˈtɛəriən/ (also spelled pescatarianism) is the practice of following a diet that includes fish or other seafood, but not the flesh of other animals. A pescetarian diet typically shares many of its components with a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet and may include vegetables, fruit, nuts, grains, beans, eggs, dairy, and insect byproducts (such as honey, carmine, or shellac), but a vegetarian diet excludes meat. The Merriam-Webster dictionary dates the origin of the term pescetarian to 1993 and defines it as: "one whose diet includes fish but no other meat."


morala sam na google translate da skontam od cega se sve moze biti free :girl_haha:


Dakle vegetarijanac sa ribom :lol: