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Started by AnaK, October 26, 2015, 11:45:48 PM

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Bio je definitivno sa Kristl u nekoj semi.... :think:

there's no truth, only perception


A ja sam sve pomešala sa Kolbijevima :lol: jeres...


From December 1984 to April 1985, Hudson appeared in a recurring role on the ABC prime time soap opera Dynasty as Daniel Reece, the love interest for Krystle Carrington (played by Linda Evans) and biological father of the character Sammy Jo Carrington (Heather Locklear). While he had long been known to have difficulty memorizing lines, which resulted in his use of cue cards, it was Hudson's speech itself that began to visibly deteriorate on Dynasty. He was originally slated to appear for the duration of the show's fifth season; however, because of his progressing ill health, his character was abruptly written out of the show and died off screen.


there's no truth, only perception


... biological father of the character Sammy Jo??? Auuu...


E ovo znam. Rok Hadson je neka Kristlkina matora simpatija a posle se ispostavilo da je on tata Semi Džo.  :girl_haha:
A da nije Mark onaj instruktor tenisa?  :think: Sećate se da je bio neki takav?


The first husband of Krystle Carrington, tennis pro Mark is lured to Denver by Krystle's enemy Alexis Colby to cause trouble for Krystle. Alexis is later arrested for his murder, but it is ultimately revealed that Neal McVane had killed Mark and framed Alexis for the crime.


Smestili Aleksis??? tz tz tz :rofl:


Who the f... is Neal McVane?  :lol:

A jel se seća neko da je Blejk imao mlađeg brata?  :think:


Quote from: Lani on October 30, 2015, 09:17:09 AM
Who the f... is Neal McVane?  :lol:

A jel se seća neko da je Blejk imao mlađeg brata?  :think:
Senator turned Congressman Neal Mc Vane's life went out of control when he got mixed up with the Carringtons.

Ovo drugo, ne, naravno, jedino znam ono da je sam sebi bio otac :lol:


Taj je bio zao, je l' da?


Da, ali piše ovde na linku da se posle prodobrio:lol:


Ja sam zapravo bas volela Semi Dzo. Prvo sto se palim na te price kada dobro pobedi zlo i kad se neko ko je bio koristoljubiv i spletkaros  i prava bitch vremenom pretvori u divnu osobu  :girl_haha: Drugo sto im je svima spustala kako je stigla, sto se ljubila sa Al Corleyem  :girl_in_love:

I najvise sto je imala tako taj mini-tiny-sweety sklop kostiju i muskulature koji joj je Bog dao i na kome zavidim, posto ce ga meni dati u nekom od narednih zivota mozda.  :lol: :lol:


there's no truth, only perception


Da, da, šurovao je sa Aleksis :lol:


Jeste bio zao, ali posle se prodobrio  :rofl: