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Started by Gizmolina, September 15, 2015, 09:47:44 PM

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Koristi li neko jos hotmail?

Kod njih imam adresu vec 150 godina i sad mi je blokirana  :wall: Kazu, neko mi je neovlasteno pokusao uci u mail te oni zahtjevaju dodatnu verifikaciju. Verifikacija se vrsi putem sms koda, medjutim meni za moj broj mobillnog prijavljuju da nije dobar (a isti broj imam x godina).
Drugi nacin verifikacije je da ispunim formular od nekoliko pitanja. Kad ga ispunim, oni kazu da nisam dovoljno popunila a ponesto nije ispravno. Npr. omiljena istorijska licnost - nemam pojma sta sam upisala kad sam otvarala nalog  :wall: ili lozinke koje sam koristila a ista mi je lozinka oduvijek.

I sta sad da radim? Zna li neko?

Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?
Mihaela 1.7.2002.
Nina 20.1.2009.

Lukina mama

ja imam hotmail , ali ne znam kako da pomogmnem...jer ima nacin da resetujes password?
Luka ,09 April 2005


kontaktiraj ih direktno pre neko formulare na sajtu
s koristi hotmail i posle jednog blokiranja pre nekoliko godina poceo je da placa neke novce za zastitu od takvih stvari


A to li je - hoce novce da me ne maltretiraju vise sa verifikacijama  :D

Nigdje ne nadjoh gdje mogu da ih kontaktiram, odoh da prekopam jos malo.
Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?
Mihaela 1.7.2002.
Nina 20.1.2009.

Lukina mama

sad sam gledala na moj hotmail. imas onaj mali tockic, klikni tu, i odi na help.

vidi tu ako mozes da nadjes nesto.

nadjoh ovo:
Luka ,09 April 2005


Nemam taj tockic jer ne mogu da udjem uopste. Poslah neki mail i sad cekam da me kontaktira njihova sluzba.
Bice mi bas zao ako izgubim nalog, tu imam nekih mailova od prije kojih volim da se prisjetim ponekad  :(

A i Facebook mi je vezan za taj mail. Ne znam sta ce tu biti, ako ne povratim nalog.
Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?
Mihaela 1.7.2002.
Nina 20.1.2009.


Jesi li sigurna da si davala telefon nekad ranije? Ako nisi, možda nema te brojeve telefona? Probaj s mojim, u tom slučaju. Na ovom linku ima procedura  :crycry:
Janko 23.7.2002.

Lukina mama

gizmo, napisi mi tvoju email adresu, da probam da im posaljem email i da vidim ako se moze nesto resetovati?
Luka ,09 April 2005

Lukina mama

uradila sam copy/paste sta pise kada je account blocked

To help protect your account from fraud or abuse, we might have temporarily blocked it because we noticed some unusual activity. We know having your account blocked is frustrating, but we can help you get it back easily in a few steps.

Unblock your account
To unblock your account go to and sign in to your blocked account. You can enter a phone number to request a security code be sent to you via text message, or if your phone doesn't support texting, via an automated phone call.

After you enter the security code, you'll need to change your password to complete the unblocking process. Make sure you create a strong, unique password to help keep your account secure. You can use our password checker to test the strength of your new password before you use it.

Problems with the security code
The quickest way to get your account unblocked is online, by requesting and then entering a code. If you haven't tried unblocking your account online, we recommend you start there.

If you didn't receive your security code at the phone number you entered, try again or try a different number by clicking I don't have a code. You'll be presented with another opportunity to request a code.

If you're requesting a text, use a phone number that accepts text messages.

If your code doesn't work, make sure you enter the numbers in the body of the message, and not the numbers in the header.
Text message with code.
My account is still blocked
If you can't unblock your account with the security code and changing your password, customer support can still help you get your account back. To contact customer support, you'll need to sign in to your account, and fill out an online form. Provide as much information as you can to help us verify your identity. We take your account security seriously and need these details to help us prevent hackers from accessing your account. You'll need to provide an alternate email address where a Microsoft customer service representative will contact you within 24 hours.

Once you've gotten your account unblocked, you can get more info on how to help protect your account
Luka ,09 April 2005


Because there have been multiple unsuccessful recovery attempts for this account, we recommend at this point that you create a new account.  :crycry: :crycry: :crycry:
Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?
Mihaela 1.7.2002.
Nina 20.1.2009.


Bata 18.01.2004.
Moca 17.11.2014.


Odose u nepovrat.  :crycry:

Sigurna sam da sam ostavljala ovaj broj telefona i sigurna sam da sam potrefila zadnje mailove. Nisam znala Subject kod mailova (to sam lupala) i nisam znala tu istorijsku licnost  :ljut:

Nista, alal im sve, ionako sam ljuta na Microsoft odranije, sad samo produbljujem svadju  :sissyfight:
Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?
Mihaela 1.7.2002.
Nina 20.1.2009.



Quote from: Lukina mama on September 16, 2015, 09:15:57 PM
gizmo, napisi mi tvoju email adresu, da probam da im posaljem email i da vidim ako se moze nesto resetovati?


Poslala sam im ja mail, ali su me samo vratili na isti link za unblock. Poslije toga su mi poslali ovu poruku.
Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?
Mihaela 1.7.2002.
Nina 20.1.2009.


Janko 23.7.2002.